Did you feel that Full Moon in Scorpio AND Pluto’s entrance into retrograde this last month, or was that just me? There’s a lot ending right now, but there is also a lot opening up. Get ready for it all by reading this month’s Brujeria Business!

Collective Card: The Star (reversed)

It is interesting the card representing Aquarius was pulled for the Collective. I am pretty sure I’ve mentioned too many times that we are currently in the Age of Aquarius. This Age is asking us to collaborate and think outside the box. This card, though, is reversed. Perhaps as a whole, we have reached an exhausting point. How many times can we keep trying when everything is causing us to lose hope? I don’t mean to sound like a Debbie Downer, and this card is not that at all. The Star is asking us to find what drives us in these moments of despair and to refuel ourselves.

Taurus: Queen of Cups

The Bull, Earth

April 20th – May 20th

What is leading you at work this month, Taurus? Is it finances or passion? As the sign of fiscal responsibility, are you too focused on money matters? Now I know money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can help us create a more comfortable life. I get that, but this card is reminding you to be more compassionate towards yourself. Find the heart in your work. If there’s not one, why is that?

Gemini: King of Wands (reversed)

The Twins, Air

May 21st – June 20th

Take a step back, Gemini. This is not the time to rush into a decision. Being prepared has never not worked for anyone. When the opportunity arises for you with a new job or a project, you will want to have all your things in order. Don’t be so stubborn in this need to change it up constantly. The best things take time!

Cancer: Queen of Wands

The Crab, Water

June 21st – July 22nd

There is something in your career that has your attention. You want to make the move, but are unsure. This card is encouraging you to stay determined and go for it! There is joy in this card! There is a cat in this card! The cat is a witchy creature, telling you to listen to your intuition. You know what you have to do, so do it.

Leo: King of Swords

The Lion, Fire

July 23rd – August 22nd

It’s all about discipline, Leo. You need to take the knife and cut out all the unnecessary crap. Get everything in order and keep to the order. This is not the time for emotions to overtake logic. You have high standards and that is more than okay. You need high standards to provide the best work possible.

Virgo: The Magician (reversed)

The Virgin, Earth

August 23rd – September 22nd

This card in the reversed position becomes a master of illusion. Are you fooling yourself into thinking you are doing enough or too much? Is someone at work deceiving you in some way? You need to start clearing the air and making sure everything is actually what it seems before making a decision at work. Put those Virgo vibes to good use!

Libra: King of Pentacles (reversed)

The Scales, Air

September 23rd – October 22nd

Prepare yourself for the worst case scenario. Not to say it WILL happen, but when this card is reversed, it is saying that we must be ready if we are about to be dethroned. Don’t focus as much on the materialistic aspects of things. What can you do to focus on the long-term goals? This is not the time for any get-rich-fast schemes.

Scorpio: Page of Cups (reversed)

The Scorpion, Water

October 23rd – November 21st

Are you feeling blocked? Uninspired? Try to shift your thoughts to what brought you joy as a child. What made you want to enter this specific career of yours? Remember the childlike wonder and apply it to any projects you may have. Don’t let your feelings get in the way. Lead with imagination.

Sagittarius: Knight of Swords

The Archer, Fire

November 22nd – December 21st

The perfect card for The Archer! Time to aim and fire (oh hey fire sign!). This card is all about blocking out those who say you can’t. You know you can and that’s the only voice you need to listen to. No challenge is too big. You have what it takes to tackle any project.

Capricorn: The Lovers (reversed)

The Goat, Earth

December 22nd – January 19th

Being unbalanced is not your cup of tea, Caps. Something is shaky at work and you need to start figuring what it is. Is there a coworker you can reach out to? Two minds are better than one. Is there something you are holding back from someone? Be upfront. I would also recommend being careful when it comes to starting any romantic entanglements at work. If you do, go through the proper channels (HR).

Aquarius: Six of Pentacles

The Water Bearer, Air

January 20th – February 18th

It is time to be generous with your time, talents, and money. If you can mentor another, do so. If you need mentoring, ask. This is an amazing time to collaborate with others. It’s all a give-and-take with this card. Take the risk. You never know what will come with a bit of faith in yourself and others.

Pisces: Page of Swords (reversed)

The Fish, Water

February 19th – March 20th

Think before you speak, Pisces. You have a ton of energy and opinions. Without any direction, it can lead to chaos. This is not the time to engage in any work gossip. Keep yourself focused, as much as possible. Lead with your mind, not your emotions for the next month.

Aries: Eight of Swords

The Ram, Fire

March 21st – April 19th

Bruh. What are you doing? Where did the fire that burns through you go? We are not powerless. We are not the victim. We have more control than we are giving ourselves credit for. It is time to remove the blindfold and get to work. Yes, feel the anxiety you may be feeling, but do not let it paralyze you. You are an Aries and we do not let ourselves be placed in a corner. Time to step up!